Friday, March 12, 2010

Samantha the Comedian

Samantha is 4, she always says things and does things that are super funny. Yesterday she did 3 things that made me laugh out loud.

First I picked her up from daycare and her teacher told me that Sam showed him her elbow with a bandaid on it and said that she went to the doctor for her boo boo and the doctor told her that she can not at all have Tomato Soup. It was funny. As they told me the story she got embarrassed and ran away.
Then we went to the store to get some snacks for the weekend trip to Yakima. When we were done I had 2 grocery bags and 2 boxes of juice pouches (a store brand of capri-sun). I asked her if she would help me carry one of them. She said yes. Well this brand has 2 finger holes at the top of the box to carry it by. I punched the holes and handed it to her. Her eyes lit up as she grabbed it and let it fall her her side and she had her fingers in the holes and said "look mom I'm holding it like you do with your beer". I said yes and giggled. Well from the store doorway to the car she said it two more times. About how she could carry the box of juice like me and dad carry a box of beer. I didn't know if I should be proud or embarrassed.

Finally on the way home from the store she says to me mom "is holy shit a bad word" I said "WHAT", she repeated it again. I said yes it is. Then she said "Mya said 'I have to go home' isn't a bad word" so I told her it wasn't a bad word. Sam says "but mom you said 'holy shit I have to go home' is a bad word". So I explained to her that "shit" was a bad word and she couldn't say it. But that she could say "oh no I have to go home". I have no idea where she got the sentence "holy shit I have to go home" from but now she know that she can't say "shit"

1 comment:

  1. Hee hee. What a cutie! Once our little neighbor girl said she and Logan could play and the grownups could talk about beer. The things kids say!
